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tool for converting 10x BAMs produced by Cell Ranger, Space Ranger, Cell Ranger ATAC, Cell Ranger DNA, and Long Ranger back to FASTQ files that can be used as inputs to re-run analysis.
A5-miseq is a pipeline for assembling DNA sequence data generated on the Illumina sequencing platform. A5-miseq can produce high-quality microbial genome assemblies on a laptop computer without any parameter tuning by automating the process of adapter trimming, quality filtering, error correction, contig and scaffold generation and detection of misassemblies.
a simple transcriptome assembler based on kallisto and Cortex graphs.
abismal is a fast and memory-efficient mapper for short bisulfite sequencing reads
an extended version of Partial Order Alignment (POA) that performs adaptive banded dynamic programming (DP) with an SIMD implementation.
mass screening of contigs for antibiotic resistance genes.
an abundance-based tool for binning metagenomic sequences.
(Another Gff Analysis Toolkit) a suite of tools to handle gene annotations in any GTF/GFF format.
Assembled Genomes Compressor (AGC) is a tool designed to compress collections of de-novo assembled genomes. It can be used for various types of datasets: short genomes (viruses) as well as long (humans).
a python package for annotating gene fusions from the human or mouse genomes.
(Ancestry and Kinship Toolkit) a statistical genetics tool for analysing large cohorts of whole-genome sequenced samples. It provides a handful of useful statistical genetics routines using the htslib API for input/output. This means it can seamlessly read BCF/VCF files and play nicely with bcftools.
is a tool for the efficient processing of single-cell data based on RAD files produced by alevin.
an efficient and versatile command-line application that computes multi-sample quality control metrics in a read-group aware manner.
AlignStats produces various alignment, whole genome coverage, and capture coverage metrics for sequence alignment files in SAM, BAM, and CRAM format.
Multi-mapped read rescue strategy for gene regulatory analyses
AMPtk: Amplicon tool kit for processing high throughput amplicon sequencing data.
AnchorWave (Anchored Wavefront Alignment) identifies collinear regions via conserved anchors (full-length CDS and full-length exon have been implemented currently) and breaks collinear regions into shorter fragments, i.e., anchor and inter-anchor intervals.
an open-source, community-driven analysis and visualization platform for ‘omics data. Its interactive interface facilitates the management of metagenomic contigs and associated data for automatic or human-guided identification of genome bins and their curation.
ARAGORN identifies tRNA and tmRNA genes. The program employs heuristic algorithms to predict tRNA secondary structure, based on homology with recognized tRNA consensus sequences and ability to form a base‐paired cloverleaf.
high-resolution HLA typing from RNA seq.
Scaffolding genome sequence assemblies using linked or long reads.
(Antibiotic Resistance Identification By Assembly) a tool that identifies antibiotic resistance genes by running local assemblies. It can also be used for MLST calling.
Get assembly statistics from FASTA and FASTQ files.
trim adapters from high-throughput sequencing reads.
(Amazon Web Services Command Line Interface) a command line interface tool to manage multiple Amazon Web Services and automate them through scripts.
rapid and standardized annotation of bacterial genomes & plasmids.
A universal protein model for prokaryotic gene prediction
bam-readcount generates metrics at single nucleotide positions.
BAMscale is a one-step tool for either 1) quantifying and normalizing the coverage of peaks or 2) generated scaled BigWig files for easy visualization of commonly used DNA-seq capture based methods.
Extract coverage information from BAM files, supporting stranded and physical coverage and streams.
Tool for converting 10x BAMs produced by Cell Ranger
a fast, flexible C++ API & toolkit for reading, writing, and manipulating BAM files.
a repository that contains several programs that perform operations on SAM/BAM files. All of these programs are built into a single executable, bam.
is a tool to extract paired reads in FASTQ format from coordinate sorted BAM files. Bazam is a smarter way to realign reads from one genome to another. If you've tried to use Picard SAMtoFASTQ or samtools bam2fq before and ended up unsatisfied with complicated, long running inefficient pipelines, bazam might be what you wanted. Bazam will output FASTQ in a form that can …
a suite of fast, multithreaded bioinformatics tools designed for analysis of DNA and RNA sequence data. BBTools can handle common sequencing file formats such as fastq, fasta, sam, scarf, fasta+qual, compressed or raw, with autodetection of quality encoding and interleaving.
is a bioinformatics tool for constructing the compacted de Bruijn graph from sequencing data.
provides best-practice pipelines for automated analysis of high throughput sequencing data with the goal of being quantifiable, analyzable, scalable and reproducible. The development process is fully open and sustained by contributors from multiple institutions. Bioinformaticians, biologists and the general public should be able to run these tools on inputs ranging from research materials to clinical samples to personal genomes.
a set of utilities that manipulate variant calls in the Variant Call Format (VCF) and its binary counterpart BCF. All commands work transparently with both VCFs and BCFs, both uncompressed and BGZF-compressed.
BEDOPS is an open-source command-line toolkit that performs highly efficient and scalable Boolean and other set operations, statistical calculations, archiving, conversion and other management of genomic data of arbitrary scale. Tasks can be easily split by chromosome for distributing whole-genome analyses across a computational cluster.
a swiss-army knife of tools for a wide-range of genomics analysis tasks. The most widely-used tools enable genome arithmetic. Bedtools allows one to intersect, merge, count, complement, and shuffle genomic intervals from multiple files in widely-used genomic file formats such as BAM, BED, GFF, VCF. While each individual tool is designed to do a relatively simple task (e.g., intersect two interval files), sophisticated analyses …
(Binding and Expression Target Analysis) a software package that integrates ChIP-seq of transcription factors or chromatin regulators with differential gene expression data to infer direct target genes.
a standalone high-performance tool for correcting sequencing errors from Illumina sequencing data.
is a compact file format for efficiently storing and querying whole-genome genotypes of tens to hundreds of thousands of samples. It can be considered as an alternative to genotype-only BCFv2. BGT is more compact in size, more efficient to process, and more flexible on query.
A quality assessment package for next-genomics sequencing data. BIGpre contains all the functions of other quality assessment software, such as the correlation between forward and reverse reads, read GC-content distribution, and base Ns quality. More importantly, BIGpre incorporates associated programs to detect and remove duplicate reads after taking sequencing errors into account and trimming low quality reads from raw data as well.
an extension to Brian Kernighan's awk, with added support for several common biological data formats, including optionally gzip'ed BED, GFF, SAM, VCF, FASTA/Q, and TAB-delimited formats with column names along with new built-in functions and a command line option to use TAB as the input/output delimiter. When the new functionality is not used, bioawk should behave exactly like the original BWK awk.
tools for early stage NGS alignment file processing including fast sorting and duplicate marking.
subtype microbial whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data using SNV targeting k-mer subtyping schemes.
The bioinfokit toolkit aims to provide various easy-to-use functionalities to analyze, visualize, and interpret the biological data generated from genome-scale omics experiments.
(Basic Local Alignment with Successive Refinement) maps Single Molecule Sequencing (SMS) reads that are thousands of bases long, with divergence between the read and genome dominated by insertion and deletion error.
(Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) finds regions of similarity between biological sequences.
a suite of BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) tools that utilizes the NCBI C++ Toolkit with a number of performance and feature improvements over the legacy BLAST applications.
is a k-mer spectrum-based read error corrector, designed to correct large datasets with a very low memory footprint. It uses the disk streaming k-mer counting algorithm contained in the GATB library, and inserts solid k-mers in a bloom-filter. The correction procedure is similar to the Musket multistage approach. Bloocoo yields similar results while requiring far less memory: as an example, it can correct whole …
aka Best Match Tagger is for removing human reads from metagenomics datasets
bmtool is part of BMTagger aka Best Match Tagger, for removing human reads from metagenomics datasets.
an ultrafast, memory-efficient short read aligner for short DNA sequences (reads) from next-gen sequencers.
an ultrafast and memory-efficient tool for aligning sequencing reads to long reference sequences.
implements a versatile high-performance version of the BPP software
(Bayesian Reestimation of Abundance with KrakEN) is a highly accurate statistical method that computes the abundance of species in DNA sequences from a metagenomics sample.
a computational pipeline for finding mutations relative to a reference sequence in short-read DNA re-sequencing data for microbial sized genomes. It reports single-nucleotide mutations, point insertions and deletions, large deletions, and new junctions supported by mosaic reads.
bustools is a program for manipulating BUS files for single cell RNA-Seq datasets. It can be used to error correct barcodes, collapse UMIs, produce gene count or transcript compatbility count matrices, and is useful for many other tasks. See the kallisto | bustools website for examples and instructions on how to use bustools as part of a single-cell RNA-seq workflow.
(Burrows-Wheeler Aligner) a software package for mapping low-divergent sequences against a large reference genome, such as the human genome. It consists of three algorithms: BWA-backtrack, BWA-SW and BWA-MEM.
(Concatemeric Consensus Caller with Partial Order alignments) is a computational pipeline for calling consensi on R2C2 nanopore data.
a reference-free whole-genome multiple alignment program based upon notion of Cactus graphs.
clusters paired-end reads using their barcodes and sequences.
Canu is a fork of the Celera Assembler designed for high-noise single-molecule sequencing. Canu specializes in assembling PacBio or Oxford Nanopore sequences. Canu operates in three phases: correction, trimming and assembly. The correction phase will improve the accuracy of bases in reads.
Assembly of Phylogenomic Datasets from High-Throughput Sequencing data
Cas-OFFinder is OpenCL based, ultrafast and versatile program that searches for potential off-target sites of CRISPR/Cas-derived RNA-guided endonucleases (RGEN).
clusters and compares protein or nucleotide sequences.
Comprehensive mapping of tissue cell architecture via integrated single cell and spatial transcriptomics (cell2location model)
a software package for eliminating technical artifacts from high-throughput single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data.
The set of analysis pipelines in this suite perform sample demultiplexing, barcode processing, identification of open chromatin regions, and simultaneous counting of transcripts and peak accessibility in single cells.
a set of analysis pipelines that perform identification of open chromatin regions, motif annotation, and differential accessibility analysis for Single Cell ATAC data.
is a very rapid and memory-efficient system for the classification of DNA sequences from microbial samples, with better sensitivity than and comparable accuracy to other leading systems. The system uses a novel indexing scheme based on the Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT) and the Ferragina-Manzini (FM) index, optimized specifically for the metagenomic classification problem. Centrifuge requires a relatively small index (e.g., 4.3 GB for ~4,100 bacterial …
ChIPs is a tool for simulating ChIP-sequencing experiments.
Rust implementation of NanoFilt+NanoLyse, both originally written in Python. This tool, intended for long read sequencing such as PacBio or ONT, filters and trims a fastq file.
Circlator is a tool to circularize genome assemblies. The input is a genome assembly in FASTA format and corrected PacBio or nanopore reads in FASTA or FASTQ format. Circlator will attempt to identify each circular sequence and output a linearised version of it. It does this by assembling all reads that map to contig ends and comparing the resulting contigs with the input assembly.
count antibody TAGS from a CITE-seq and/or cell hashing experiment.
a tool for symphonizing pileup and full-alignment for high-performance long-read variant calling
fast, accurate and versatile k-mer based classification system.
is the latest version of Clustal: a multiple sequence alignment program for DNA or proteins.
is a support library for a sparse, compressed, binary persistent storage format, also called cooler, used to store genomic interaction data, such as Hi-C contact matrices.
Software for clustering de novo assembled transcripts and counting overlapping reads.
a tool to generate BED coverage tracks from BAM files. It reads one (or more) alignment files (sorted BAM) and prints a BED with the coverage. It will join consecutive bases with the same coverage, and can be used to only print a BED file with the regions having a specific coverage range.
Crass is designed to identify and reconstruct CRISPR loci from raw metagenomic data without the need for assembly or prior knowledge of CRISPR in the data set.
Bioinformatics tool outputs converter to JSON or YAML.
controllable lossy compression of BAM/CRAM files.
a reference-guided assembler that assembles transcripts, estimates their abundances, and tests for differential expression and regulation in RNA-Seq samples.
finds and removes adapter sequences, primers, poly-A tails and other types of unwanted sequence from your high-throughput sequencing reads.
a fast, parallel, and very lightweight memory tool to construct the compacted de Bruijn graph from genome reference(s).
a cython wrapper around htslib built for fast parsing of Variant Call Format (VCF) files.
finds all significant local alignments between reads.
simple de novo transcriptome annotator
dDocent is simple bash wrapper to QC, assemble, map, and call SNPs from almost any kind of RAD sequencing. If you have a reference already, dDocent can be used to call SNPs from almost any type of NGS data set.
Deblur is a greedy deconvolution algorithm for amplicon sequencing based on Illumina Miseq/Hiseq error profiles.
a suite of python tools particularly developed for the efficient analysis of high-throughput sequencing data, such as ChIP-seq, RNA-seq or MNase-seq.
an integrated structural variant (SV) prediction method that can discover, genotype and visualize deletions, tandem duplications, inversions and translocations at single-nucleotide resolution in short-read and long-read massively parallel sequencing data.
Genetic multiplexing of barcoded single cell RNA-seq.
De Bruijn graph-based Spliced Aligner for Long Transcriptome reads
a Bioconductor software package installed in R 3.2.2 that estimates variance-mean dependence in count data from high-throughput sequencing assays and test for differential expression based on a model using the negative binomial distribution.
bax file decoder and data compressor.
a high-throughput program for aligning a file of short DNA sequencing reads against a protein reference database such as NR, at 20,000 times the speed of BLASTX, with high sensitivity.
In-silico PCR and variant primer design
is a Python 3.7+ library for very efficient parsing and writing of FASTQ and also FASTA files.
DNAscent is software designed to detect the base analogues BrdU and EdU in single molecules of DNA sequenced on the Oxford Nanopore platform
a set of tools for analyzing DNA methylation data from bisulfite sequencing
a suite of tools for use in genome assembly and consensus.
a python program for rapidly comparing large numbers of genomes, dRep can also "de-replicate" a genome set by identifying groups of highly similar genomes and choosing the best representative genome for each genome set.
(Detection of RNA Outlier Pipeline) pipeline to find aberrant gene expression events in RNA sequencing data.
Tools for BED, FASTA, FASTQ, GAF, GFA1/2, GFF3, PAF, SAM, and VCF files
a whole genome simulator for next-generation sequencing based off of wgsim found in SAMtools, which was written by Heng Li, and forked from DNAA. It was modified to handle ABI SOLiD and Ion Torrent data, as well as various assumptions about aligners and positions of indels. Many new features have been subsequently added.
a Bioconductor software package installed in R 3.2.2 for gene and isoform differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data.
a Bioconductor software package installed in R 3.2.2 for examining differential expression of replicated count data.
Fast genome-wide functional annotation through orthology assignment.
a high-performance tool for analyzing .sam/.bam files (up to and including variant calling) in sequencing pipelines.
Fast & accurate alignment of barcoded short-reads
EMu is a relative abundance estimator for 16S genomic sequences
a FASTQ lossless compression algorithm especially designed for nanopore sequencing FASTQ files.
a complete rewrite of the Evolutionary Placement Algorithm (EPA), previously implemented in RAxML. It uses libpll and pll-modules to perform maximum likelihood-based phylogenetic placement of genetic sequences on a user-supplied reference tree and alignment.
Ultraperformant Chip-Seq broad domain finder based on SICER.
is a software package for Bayesian tree inference.
a streaming tool for quantifying the abundances of a set of target sequences from sampled subsequences.
is a drop-in C++ implementation of FastQC to assess the quality of sequence reads.
a DNA and protein sequence alignment software package that searches for matching sequence patterns or words, called k-tuples.
Perform random operations on fastq files, using unix streaming. Secure your analysis with Fasten!
FastME provides distance algorithms to infer phylogenies.
Fastool is a simple and quick tool to read huge FastQ and FastA files (both normal and gzipped) and manipulate them. It makes use of the KSeq library (http://lh3lh3.users.sourceforge.net/kseq.shtml) for fast access to FastQ/A files.
is a tool designed to provide fast all-in-one preprocessing for FastQ files. This tool is developed in C++ with multithreading supported to afford high performance.
a quality control tool for high throughput sequence data.
A tool to download FASTQs associated with Study, Experiment, or Run accessions.
fastq-scan reads a FASTQ from STDIN and outputs summary statistics (read lengths, per-read qualities, per-base qualities) in JSON format.
allows you to screen a library of sequences in FastQ format against a set of sequence databases so you can see if the composition of the library matches with what you expect.
a fast, flexible, user-friendly, cluster-friendly QTL mapper.
infers approximately-maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees from alignments of nucleotide or protein sequences. FastTree can handle alignments with up to a million sequences in a reasonable amount of time and memory.
an ultra-fast tool for identification of SARS-CoV-2 and other microbes from sequencing data.
a collection of command line tools for Short-Reads FASTA/FASTQ files preprocessing.
a set of tools to analyze genomic data with a focus on Next Generation Sequencing.
a CLI tool for interacting with fiberseq bam files.
a tool for filtering long reads by quality.
(Fast Length Adjustment of SHort reads) is a very fast and accurate software tool to merge paired-end reads from next-generation sequencing experiments. FLASH is designed to merge pairs of reads when the original DNA fragments are shorter than twice the length of reads. The resulting longer reads can significantly improve genome assemblies. They can also improve transcriptome assembly when FLASH is used to merge …
preprocesses high-throughput sequencing data efficiently
fast and accurate de novo assembler for single molecule sequencing reads.
Filter Pairwise Alignment filter long read mapping information to save disk space
is an approximate sequence pattern matcher for FASTQ/FASTA files.
an efficient FASTQ manipulation suite.
Bayesian haplotype-based polymorphism discovery and genotyping.
Tool for plotting gene fusion events detected by various tools using Circos.
(Genome Analysis Toolkit) a software package developed to analyze high-throughput sequencing data capable of taking on projects of any size with a primary focus on variant discovery, genotyping, and data quality assurance.
a command-line toolkit that allows biologists to easily build gene co-expression network and predict gene function, especially in RNA-Seq research or lncRNAs annotation
a population genetics package that computes exact tests for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, for population differentiation and for genotypic disequilibrium among pairs of loci; computes estimates of F-statistics, null allele frequencies, allele size-based statistics for microsatellites, etc.; and performs analyses of isolation by distance from pairwise comparisons of individuals or population samples, including confidence intervals for “neighborhood size”.
Characterizing gene fusions using long transcriptomics reads
Downloads data and metadata from GEO and SRA and creates standard PEPs.
gfastats is a single fast and exhaustive tool for summary statistics and simultaneous *fa* (fasta, fastq, gfa [.gz]) genome assembly file manipulation. gfastats also allows seamless fasta<>fastq<>gfa[.gz] conversion. It has been tested in genomes even >100Gbp.
compares and evaluates the accuracy of RNA-Seq transcript assemblers (Cufflinks, Stringtie), collapses (merges) duplicate transcripts from multiple GTF/GFF3 files (e.g. resulted from assembly of different samples), and classifies transcripts from one or multiple GTF/GFF3 files as they relate to reference transcripts provided in a annotation file (also in GTF/GFF3 format).
validates, filters, converts and performs various other operations on GFF files (use gffread -h to see the various usage options). Because the program shares the same GFF parser code with Cufflinks, Stringtie, and gffcompare, it could be used to verify that a GFF file from a certain annotation source is correctly "understood" by these programs. Thus the gffread utility can be used to simply …
is a highly efficient remote homologue detection tool.
a suite of motif tools, including a motif prediction pipeline for ChIP-seq experiments.
GLIMPSE is a phasing and imputation method for large-scale low-coverage sequencing studies.
Genomic mapping and alignment program for mRNA and EST sequences.
(GNU-based Virus IDentification) a Python3 program for Gene Novelty Unit-based Virus Identification for SARS-CoV-2. It ranks CDS nucleotide sequences in a genome fna file based on the number of observed exact CDS nucleotide matches in a public or private database. It was created to type SARS-CoV-2 genomes using a whole genome multilocus sequence typing (wgMLST) approach.
a set of command line tools to manipulate multiple alignments. Implemented in Go language, Goalign aims to handle multiple alignments in Phylip, Fasta, Nexus, and Clustal formats, through several basic commands. Each command may print result (an alignment, for example) in the standard output, and thus can be piped to the standard input of the next goalign command.
provides functions for working on alignments in fasta format.
memory-efficient de novo assembly of long reads
goleft is a collection of bioinformatics tools written in go distributed together as a single binary.
Sequence to graph aligner for long reads
GraphMap is a novel mapper targeted at aligning long, error-prone third-generation sequencing data. It is designed to handle Oxford Nanopore MinION 1d and 2d reads with very high sensitivity and accuracy, and also presents a significant improvement over the state-of-the-art for PacBio read mappers.
GraphMap2 update containins tuning of alignments specific for long RNA reads. GraphMap2 is a novel mapper targeted at aligning long, error-prone third-generation sequencing data. It is designed to handle Oxford Nanopore MinION 1d and 2d reads with very high sensitivity and accuracy, and also presents a significant improvement over the state-of-the-art for PacBio read mappers.
GROOT is a tool to type Antibiotic Resistance Genes (ARGs) in metagenomic samples (a.k.a. Resistome Profiling). It combines variation graph representation of gene sets with an LSH indexing scheme to allow for fast classification of metagenomic reads. Subsequent hierarchical local alignment of classified reads against graph traversals facilitates accurate reconstruction of full-length gene sequences using a simple scoring scheme.
gsMap (genetically informed spatial mapping of cells for complex traits) integrates spatial transcriptomics (ST) data with genome-wide association study (GWAS) summary statistics to map cells to human complex traits, including diseases, in a spatially resolved manner.
a fast browser for genomic sequencing data (.bam/.cram format) used directly from the terminal. GW also allows you to view and annotate variants from vcf/bcf files.
a bioinformatics tool that helps analyze RNA-seq data, providing base-to-base alignment BAM files, transcript abundance estimation, and fusion gene detection.
an open-source software package for sensitive protein sequence searching based on the pairwise alignment of hidden Markov models (HMMs).
is a set of programs to process, normalize, analyze and visualize Hi-C and cHi-C data.
A package that can be used to find enriched peak regions from HiChIP datasets that can then be used as an input to available loop calling tools or to do differential peak analysis.
An optimized and flexible pipeline for Hi-C data processing
A tool for mapping and performing quality control on Hi-C data
Haplotype-resolved assembler for accurate Hifi reads
Metagenome assembler for Hifi reads, based on hifiasm.
HiC alignment and classification pipeline.
(Hierarchical Indexing for Spliced Alignment of Transcripts) a fast and sensitive alignment program for mapping next-generation sequencing reads (both DNA and RNA) against the general human population (as well as against a single reference genome). HISAT2 is a successor to both HISAT and TopHat2.
(Hypergeometric Optimization of Motif EnRichment) a suite of sequencing analysis and sequence motif discovery tools.
a Python package that provides infrastructure to process data from high-throughput sequencing assays.
a C library for reading/writing high-throughput sequencing data.
is a quality control and processing pipeline for High Throughput Sequencing data.
(Histosketching Using Little Kmers) a tool that creates small, fixed-size sketches from streaming microbiome sequencing data, enabling rapid metagenomic dissimilarity analysis.
is a pipeline for efficiently and accurately profiling the presence/absence and abundance of microbial pathways in a community from metagenomic or metatranscriptomic sequencing data (typically millions of short DNA/RNA reads).
is a pipeline for efficiently and accurately profiling the presence/absence and abundance of microbial pathways in a community from metagenomic or metatranscriptomic sequencing data (typically millions of short DNA/RNA reads).
command line tools for IGV
(IMmunogenetic SEQuence Analysis) is a fast, PCR and sequencing error aware tool to analyze high throughput data from recombined T-cell receptor or immunoglobolin gene sequencing experiments. It derives immune repertoires from sequencing data in FASTA / FASTQ format.
A sequencing simulator.
efficient RNA-RNA interaction prediction incorporating seeding and accessibility of interacting sites.
efficient and versatile phylogenomic software by maximum likelihood.
Scalable De Novo Isoform Discovery
an efficient de novo trascriptome assembler for RNA-Seq data. It can assemble transcripts from RNA-Seq reads (in fasta format). Unlike most of de novo assembly methods that build de Bruijn graph or splicing graph by connecting k-mers which are sets of overlapping substrings generated from reads, IsoTree constructs splicing graph by connecting reads directly. For each splicing graph, IsoTree applies an iterative scheme of …
is a computational package that contains functions broadly useful for viral amplicon-based sequencing.
a one-click pipeline for processing terabase scale Hi-C datasets. Using Juicer, you can: Go from raw fastq files to Hi-C maps binned at many resolutions Automatically annotate loops and contact domains with the Juicer tools Run the pipeline in the cloud, on LSF, Univa, or SLURM, or on a single CPU Juicer creates hic files from raw (unaligned) reads derived from a Hi-C experiment.
fast and sensitive taxonomic classification for metagenomics.
a fast and accurate multiple sequence alignment algorithm designed to align large numbers of protein sequences.
a program for quantifying abundances of transcripts from RNA-Seq data, or more generally of target sequences using high-throughput sequencing reads. It is based on the novel idea of pseudoalignment for rapidly determining the compatibility of reads with targets, without the need for alignment.
Kleborate: a tool for typing and screening pathogen genome assemblies
software for RNA-seq investigation using k-mer decomposition
implements a method designed to map raw reads directly against redundant databases, in an ultra-fast manner using seed and extend. KMA is particulary good at aligning high quality reads against highly redundant databases, where unique matches often does not exist. It works for long low quality reads as well, such as those from Nanopore. Non-unique matches are resolved using the "ConClave" sorting scheme, and …
KMC—K-mer Counter is a utility designed for counting k-mers (sequences of consecutive k symbols) in a set of reads from genome sequencing projects. K-mer counting is important for many bioinformatics applications, e.g., developing de Bruijn graph assemblers. Building de Bruijn graphs is a commonly used approach for genome assembly with data from second-generation sequencer. Unfortunately, sequencing errors (frequent in practice) results in huge memory …
accurate metagenomic profiling of both prokaryotic and viral populations by pseudo-mapping
is a tool designed to perform quality control on metagenomic sequencing data, especially data from microbiome experiments.
a system for assigning taxonomic labels to short DNA sequences, usually obtained through metagenomic studies.
Metagenomics classifier with unique k-mer counting for more specific results
finds & aligns related regions of sequences. LAST is designed for moderately large data (e.g. genomes, DNA reads, proteomes).
LASTZ is a program for aligning DNA sequences, a pairwise aligner.
Lowest Common Ancestor calculation tool
Leafcutter quantifies RNA splicing variation using short-read RNA-seq data.
Fast and accurate coordinate conversion between assemblies
a kmer-based error correction method for whole genome sequencing data.
is the standard tool to identify barcode and primer sequences in PacBio single-molecule sequencing data.
Tools for the structural analysis of RNA
a computational algorithm and software tool for fast and accurate detection of gene fusion by long-read transcriptome sequencing