May 27 2021
is a general-purpose alignment program to map DNA or long mRNA sequences against a large reference database. It works with accurate short reads of ≥100 bp in length, ≥1 kb genomic reads at error rate ∼15%, full-length noisy Direct RNA or cDNA reads and assembly contigs or closely related full chromosomes of hundreds of megabases in length. Minimap2 does split-read alignment, employs concave gap cost for long insertions and deletions and introduces new heuristics to reduce spurious alignments.
Updated versions:
2.19 | OS X INTEL
2.19 | Linux 64
May 27 2021
(UniProt Id Mapping through API) a command line interface for using UniProt's API, which allows access to UniProt's ID mapping programmatically.
Updated versions:
1.2.1 | OS X INTEL
1.2.1 | Linux 64
May 26 2021
(RNA-seq Quality Control Package) provides a number of useful modules that can comprehensively evaluate high throughput sequence data especially RNA-seq data.
Updated versions:
4.0.0 | OS X INTEL
4.0.0 | Linux 64
May 25 2021
aggregates results from bioinformatics analyses across many samples into a single report.
Updated versions:
1.10.1 | Linux 64
1.10.1 | OS X INTEL
May 24 2021
a cross-platform ultrafast comprehensive toolkit for FASTA/Q processing.
Updated versions:
0.16.1 | OS X INTEL
0.16.1 | Linux 64
May 24 2021
a command-line toolkit for rapid manipulation of NCBI taxonomy data.
Updated versions:
0.8.0 | Linux 64
0.8.0 | OS X INTEL
May 24 2021
real-time tracking of pathogen evolution.
Updated versions:
20200304 | OS X INTEL
20200304 | Linux 64
May 17 2021
(Tandem Repeats Finder) a program to locate and display tandem repeats in DNA sequences.
Updated versions:
4.09.1 | OS X INTEL
4.09.1 | Linux 64
May 17 2021
a cross-platform ultrafast comprehensive toolkit for FASTA/Q processing.
Updated versions:
0.16.0 | Linux 64
0.16.0 | OS X INTEL
May 17 2021
an ultra-fast sequence alignment algorithm for intra-species genome comparison.
Updated versions:
1.0.22 | Linux 64
1.0.22 | OS X INTEL
May 14 2021
faster, fully sensitive read mapping.
Updated versions:
3.5.8 | OS X INTEL
3.5.8 | Linux 64
May 14 2021
(Population-wide Deletion Calling) fast structural deletion calling on population-scale short read paired-end germline WGS data.
Updated versions:
1.5.0 | OS X INTEL
1.5.0 | Linux 64
May 14 2021
(Hypothesis Testing using Phylogenies) an open-source software package for comparative sequence analysis using stochastic evolutionary models.
Updated versions:
2.5.31 | OS X INTEL
2.5.31 | Linux 64
May 14 2021
a tool to sort genomic files according to a genomefile.
Updated versions:
0.1.4 | Linux 64
0.1.4 | OS X INTEL
May 14 2021
Comet MS/MS searches uninterpreted tandem mass spectra of peptides against sequence databases.
Updated versions:
2019012 | OS X INTEL
2019015 | Linux 64
May 14 2021
a windowed adaptive trimming tool for FASTQ files using quality.
Updated versions:
1.33 | OS X INTEL
1.33 | Linux 64
May 14 2021
an efficient and versatile command-line application that computes multi-sample quality control metrics in a read-group aware manner.
Updated versions:
0.2.3 | OS X INTEL
0.2.3 | Linux 64
May 13 2021
fast BAM/CRAM depth calculation for WGS, exome, or targeted sequencing.
Updated versions:
0.3.1 | OS X INTEL
0.3.1 | Linux 64
May 13 2021
(NGS Processing with Less Work) enables creation of a pipeline of work for all the first phase of NGS analysis until the point (inclusive) of annotation.
Updated versions:
1.3.0 | OS X INTEL
1.3.0 | Linux 64
May 12 2021
PyMOL Open Source
open source version of the widely used molecular visualization package developed by Warren DeLano.
Updated versions:
2.5.0 | OS X INTEL
May 10 2021
a genomic structural variant (SV) caller that utilizes low-depth long-read sequencing such as Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT).
Updated versions:
1.3.9 | Linux 64
May 10 2021
extracts informative sites, evaluates relatedness, and performs quality-control on BAM/CRAM/BCF/VCF/GVCF.
Updated versions:
0.2.13 | Linux 64
May 09 2021
a suite of programs that allows users to carry out molecular dynamics simulations, particularly on biomolecules. The suite can be used to carry out complete (non-periodic) molecular dynamics simulations (using NAB) with either explicit water or generalized Born solvent models. The independently developed packages work well by themselves, and with Amber itself.
Updated versions:
May 06 2021
efficient and versatile phylogenomic software by maximum likelihood.
Updated versions:
2.1.2 | OS X INTEL
2.1.2 | Linux 64
May 06 2021
a FASTQ lossless compression algorithm especially designed for nanopore sequencing FASTQ files.
Updated versions:
1.0 | Linux 64
1.0 | OS X INTEL
May 05 2021
a high-performance tool for analyzing .sam/.bam files (up to and including variant calling) in sequencing pipelines.
Updated versions:
5.0.1 | OS X INTEL
5.0.1 | Linux 64
May 04 2021
a standard tool to demultiplex Nanopore long read sequencing data.
Updated versions:
0.1.2 | OS X INTEL
0.1.2 | Linux 64
May 04 2021
a software to map short sequencer reads to reference genomes.
Updated versions:
0.3.4 | OS X INTEL
0.3.4 | Linux 64
May 03 2021
a tool set for simulating/evaluating SVs, merging and comparing SVs within and among samples, and includes various methods to reformat or summarize SVs.
Updated versions:
1.0.7 | OS X INTEL
1.0.7 | Linux 64
May 03 2021
a computational tool for detecting structural variations from cell free DNA (cfDNA) containing low dilutions of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA).
Updated versions:
1.0.1 | OS X INTEL
1.0.1 | Linux 64
May 03 2021
Structural variant (SV) annotation.
Updated versions:
0.0.8 | Linux 64
0.0.8 | OS X INTEL