Supported Applications
(Population-wide Deletion Calling) fast structural deletion calling on population-scale short read paired-end germline WGS data.
To list all executables provided by PopDel, run:$ biogrids-list popdel
Use the following command to install this title with the CLI client:$ biogrids-cli install popdel
Available operating systems: Linux 64, OS X INTEL -
Primary Citation*
S. Niehus, H. Jónsson, J. Schönberger, E. Björnsson, D. Beyter, H. P. Eggertsson, P. Sulem, K. Stefánsson, B. V. Halldórsson, and B. Kehr. 2021. PopDel identifies medium-size deletions simultaneously in tens of thousands of genomes. Nat Commun. 12(1): 730.
*Full citation information available through
Default Versions
Linux 64:  1.5.0 (15.6 MB)
OS X INTEL:  1.5.0 (2.9 MB)