Mar 28 2023
PBSIM2: a simulator for long read sequencers with a novel generative model of quality scores
Updated versions:
2.0.1 | Linux 64
2.0.1 | OS X INTEL
Mar 28 2023
Winnowmap is a long-read mapping algorithm optimized for mapping ONT and PacBio reads to repetitive reference sequences.
Updated versions:
2.03 | Linux 64
2.03 | OS X INTEL
Mar 28 2023
fast and accurate de novo assembler for single molecule sequencing reads.
Updated versions:
2.9.2 | Linux 64
2.9.2 | OS X INTEL
Mar 28 2023
Per-base metrics on BAM/CRAM files.
Updated versions:
0.8.5 | OS X INTEL
0.8.5 | Linux 64
Mar 28 2023
Standalone tool and library for working with barcoded linked-reads.
Updated versions:
2.2.4 | Linux 64
2.2.4 | OS X INTEL
Mar 27 2023
Filter Pairwise Alignment filter long read mapping information to save disk space
Updated versions:
0.5.1 | Linux 64
0.5.1 | OS X INTEL
Mar 27 2023
Rustyread, a long-read simulator
Updated versions:
0.4.1 | OS X INTEL
0.4.1 | Linux 64
Mar 27 2023
Characterizing gene fusions using long transcriptomics reads
Updated versions:
1.1.1 | OS X INTEL
1.1.1 | Linux 64
Mar 27 2023
Assembled Genomes Compressor
Assembled Genomes Compressor (AGC) is a tool designed to compress collections of de-novo assembled genomes. It can be used for various types of datasets: short genomes (viruses) as well as long (humans).
Updated versions:
3.0 | Linux 64
3.0 | OS X INTEL
Mar 27 2023
A gap-closing software tool that uses error-prone long reads generated by third-generation-sequence techniques (Pacbio, Oxford Nanopore, etc.) or preassembled contigs to fill N-gap in the genome assembly.
Updated versions:
1.2.1 | Linux 64
1.2.1 | OS X INTEL
Mar 27 2023
Sequence to graph aligner for long reads
Updated versions:
1.0.17 | OS X INTEL
1.0.17 | Linux 64
Mar 24 2023
an image processing package. It can be described as a distribution of ImageJ (and ImageJ2) together with Java, Java 3D and a lot of plugins organized into a coherent menu structure. Fiji compares to ImageJ as Ubuntu compares to Linux.
Updated versions:
2.9.0 | Linux 64
2.9.0 | OS X INTEL
Mar 24 2023
Megadepth is an efficient tool for extracting coverage related information from RNA and DNA-seq BAM and BigWig files.
Updated versions:
1.2.0 | OS X INTEL
1.2.0 | Linux 64
Mar 24 2023
a software suite to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images.
Updated versions:
7.1.1-3 | OS X INTEL
7.1.1-3 | Linux 64
Mar 24 2023
Haplotype-resolved assembler for accurate Hifi reads
Updated versions:
0.19.3 | Linux 64
0.19.3 | OS X INTEL
Mar 23 2023
reference-based transcriptome assembler for long-reads RNA-seq data
Updated versions:
0.9.2 | Linux 64
0.9.2 | OS X INTEL
Mar 21 2023
count antibody TAGS from a CITE-seq and/or cell hashing experiment.
Updated versions:
1.4.4 | OS X INTEL
1.4.4 | Linux 64
Mar 17 2023
Tools for BED, FASTA, FASTQ, GAF, GFA1/2, GFF3, PAF, SAM, and VCF files
Updated versions:
2.2 | OS X INTEL
2.2 | Linux 64
Mar 16 2023
Metagenomics classifier with unique k-mer counting for more specific results
Updated versions:
1.0.3 | Linux 64
1.0.3 | OS X INTEL
Mar 14 2023
a high-throughput program for aligning a file of short DNA sequencing reads against a protein reference database such as NR, at 20,000 times the speed of BLASTX, with high sensitivity.
Updated versions:
2.1.4 | Linux 64
2.1.4 | OS X INTEL
Mar 13 2023
MethylDackel will process a coordinate-sorted and indexed BAM or CRAM file containing some form of BS-seq alignments and extract per-base methylation metrics from them. MethylDackel requires an indexed fasta file containing the reference genome as well.
Updated versions:
0.6.1 | Linux 64
0.6.1 | OS X INTEL
Mar 09 2023
a suite of python tools particularly developed for the efficient analysis of high-throughput sequencing data, such as ChIP-seq, RNA-seq or MNase-seq.
Updated versions:
3.5.1 | Linux 64
3.5.1 | OS X INTEL
Mar 02 2023
pbmm2 is a SMRT C++ wrapper for minimap2's C API. Its purpose is to support native PacBio in- and output, provide sets of recommended parameters, generate sorted output on-the-fly, and postprocess alignments. Sorted output can be used directly for polishing using GenomicConsensus, if BAM has been used as input to pbmm2. Benchmarks show that pbmm2 outperforms BLASR in mapped concordance, number of mapped bases, and especially runtime. pbmm2 is the official replacement for BLASR.
Updated versions:
1.7.0 | Linux 64
1.10.0 | Linux 64
1.7.0 | OS X INTEL
Mar 02 2023
PacBio Minor Variant Calling and Phasing Tools
Updated versions:
1.12.0 | Linux 64
Mar 02 2023
bam2fastx provides conversion of PacBio BAM files into gzipped fasta and fastq files, including splitting of barcoded data.
Updated versions:
1.3.1 | Linux 64
1.3.1 | OS X INTEL
Mar 01 2023
(Integrative Genomics Viewer) a high-performance visualization tool for interactive exploration of large, integrated genomic datasets. It supports a wide variety of data types, including array-based and next-generation sequence data, and genomic annotations.
Updated versions:
2.16.0 | Linux 64
2.16.0 | OS X INTEL