Aug 31 2021
a software pipeline for building loci from RAD-seq.
Updated versions:
2.55 | Linux 64
2.4 | OS X INTEL
Aug 31 2021
a software package for detecting INDELs.
Updated versions:
0.5.3 | Linux 64
0.5.3 | OS X INTEL
Aug 31 2021
a fast, accurate and comprehensive platform for comparative genomics, OrthoFinder is accurate inference of orthogroups, orthologues, gene trees and rooted species tree made easy!
Updated versions:
2.5.4 | OS X INTEL
2.5.4 | Linux 64
Aug 31 2021
tRNA detection in large-scale genome sequence.
Updated versions:
2.0.9 | OS X INTEL
2.0.9 | Linux 64
Aug 31 2021
fast and sensitive taxonomic classification for metagenomics.
Updated versions:
1.8.0 | Linux 64
1.8.0 | OS X INTEL
Aug 31 2021
a gene prediction program for eukaryotes that can be used as an ab initio program, which means it bases its prediction purely on the sequence.
Updated versions:
3.4.0 | OS X INTEL
3.4.0 | Linux 64
Aug 30 2021
is a general-purpose alignment program to map DNA or long mRNA sequences against a large reference database. It works with accurate short reads of ≥100 bp in length, ≥1 kb genomic reads at error rate ∼15%, full-length noisy Direct RNA or cDNA reads and assembly contigs or closely related full chromosomes of hundreds of megabases in length. Minimap2 does split-read alignment, employs concave gap cost for long insertions and deletions and introduces new heuristics to reduce spurious alignments.
Updated versions:
2.22 | Linux 64
2.22 | OS X INTEL
Aug 26 2021
(Randomized Axelerated Maximum Likelihood) a tool for phylogenetic analysis and post-analysis of large phylogenies.
Updated versions:
8.2.12 | Linux 64
8.2.12 | OS X INTEL
Aug 26 2021
Bayesian haplotype-based polymorphism discovery and genotyping.
Updated versions:
1.3.5 | OS X INTEL
1.3.5 | Linux 64
Aug 25 2021
a software package for eliminating technical artifacts from high-throughput single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data.
Updated versions:
0.2.0 | OS X INTEL
0.2.0 | Linux 64
Aug 24 2021
a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.
Updated versions:
3.6.2 | OS X INTEL
3.6.2 | Linux 64
4.0.2 | OS X INTEL
4.0.2 | Linux 64
Aug 23 2021
trim adapters from high-throughput sequencing reads.
Updated versions:
1.1.31 | OS X INTEL
1.1.31 | Linux 64
Aug 18 2021
fast and accurate de novo assembler for single molecule sequencing reads.
Updated versions:
2.8.3 | OS X INTEL
2.8.3 | Linux 64
Aug 18 2021
rapid and standardized annotation of bacterial genomes & plasmids.
Updated versions:
1.0.4 | OS X INTEL
1.0.4 | Linux 64
Aug 18 2021
ATLAS - Three commands to start analysing your metagenome data
Updated versions:
2.6a1 | Linux 64
2.6a1 | OS X INTEL
Aug 18 2021
(Another Gff Analysis Toolkit) a suite of tools to handle gene annotations in any GTF/GFF format.
Updated versions:
0.6.2 | OS X INTEL
0.6.2 | Linux 64
Aug 18 2021
marker gene-based OTU (mOTU) profiling.
Updated versions:
3.0.1 | Linux 64
3.0.1 | OS X INTEL
Aug 18 2021
a suite of motif tools, including a motif prediction pipeline for ChIP-seq experiments.
Updated versions:
0.16.0 | OS X INTEL
0.16.0 | Linux 64
Aug 17 2021
antibiotic resistance prediction in minutes.
Updated versions:
0.10.0 | OS X INTEL
0.10.0 | Linux 64
Aug 16 2021
a de novo genome assembler for long uncorrected reads.
Updated versions:
1.5.1 | Linux 64
1.5.1 | OS X INTEL
Aug 16 2021
an integrated ChIP-seq data interpretation platform.
Updated versions:
1.3.4 | Linux 64
1.3.4 | OS X INTEL
Aug 13 2021
an image processing package. It can be described as a distribution of ImageJ (and ImageJ2) together with Java, Java 3D and a lot of plugins organized into a coherent menu structure. Fiji compares to ImageJ as Ubuntu compares to Linux.
Updated versions:
2.1.0 | Linux 64
2.1.0 | OS X INTEL
Aug 13 2021
converts a FASTA alignment to SNP distance matrix.
Updated versions:
0.7.0 | Linux 64
0.7.0 | OS X INTEL
Aug 11 2021
a versatile alignment tool for DNA and protein sequences.
Updated versions:
3.23 | OS X INTEL
3.23 | Linux 64
Aug 11 2021
SRA Toolkit
(Sequence Read Archive Toolkit) a collection of tools and libraries for using data in the INSDC Sequence Read Archives.
Updated versions:
2.11.0 | Linux 64
2.11.0 | OS X INTEL
Aug 11 2021
command-line tools for manipulating VCF files.
Updated versions:
1.0.2 | Linux 64
1.0.2 | OS X INTEL
Aug 10 2021
quickly searches, compares, and analyzes genomic and metagenomic data sets.
Updated versions:
4.2.1 | OS X INTEL
4.2.1 | Linux 64
Aug 10 2021
finds & aligns related regions of sequences. LAST is designed for moderately large data (e.g. genomes, DNA reads, proteomes).
Updated versions:
1254 | Linux 64
1254 | OS X INTEL
Aug 10 2021
a tool that takes a set of CLIP-seq peak regions and for each region, individually extracts the most likely site context (transcript or genomic).
Updated versions:
0.2 | Linux 64
0.2 | OS X INTEL
Aug 10 2021
(Smith Waterman On Reduced Database) is a fast and sensitive software for protein sequence alignment.
Updated versions:
1.0.4 | Linux 64
1.0.4 | OS X INTEL
Aug 08 2021
an open source Message Passing Interface implementation that is developed and maintained by a consortium of academic, research, and industry partners. Open MPI is therefore able to combine the expertise, technologies, and resources from all across the High Performance Computing community in order to build the best MPI library available.
Updated versions:
4.1.1 | OS X INTEL
Aug 05 2021
Platypus is a tool designed for efficient and accurate variant-detection in high-throughput sequencing data. By using local realignment of reads and local assembly it achieves both high sensitivity and high specificity. Platypus can detect SNPs, MNPs, short indels, replacements and (using the assembly option) deletions up to several kb. It has been extensively tested on whole-genome, exon-capture, and targeted capture data, it has been run on very large datasets as part of the Thousand Genomes and WGS500 projects, and is being used in clinical sequencing trials in the Mainstreaming Cancer Genetics programme.
Updated versions: | OS X INTEL | Linux 64
Aug 05 2021
(Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference) is an ultrafast universal RNA-seq aligner.
Updated versions:
2.7.9a | OS X INTEL
2.4.2a | OS X INTEL
Aug 02 2021
an efficient implementation of the Neighbor-Joining algorithm.
Updated versions:
2.5 | Linux 64
2.5 | OS X INTEL
Aug 02 2021
a cell image analysis software designed to enable biologists without training in computer vision or programming to quantitatively measure phenotypes from thousands of images automatically.
Updated versions:
4.2.1 | OS X INTEL