Software Updates
Updates for August 2016
Aug 24 2016
pandasa library providing high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools for the Python programming language. pandas is installed as a module within python. Updated versions:
0.18.1 | Linux 64
0.18.1 | OS X INTEL
Aug 24 2016
MACS2(Model Based Analysis of ChIP-Seq data) a novel algorithm for identifying transcript factor binding sites. Updated versions:
2.1.1 | Linux 64
2.1.1 | OS X INTEL
Aug 24 2016
Ghostscriptan interpreter for the PostScript (TM) language. It can display and convert postscript files. Software can be involved with gs command. Updated versions:
9.19 | Linux 64
9.19 | OS X INTEL
Aug 10 2016
FastQCa quality control tool for high throughput sequence data. Updated versions:
0.11.5 | Linux 64
Aug 04 2016
SPAdes(St. Petersburg genome assembler) a genome assembly algorithm designed for single-cell and multi-cell bacterial data sets. Updated versions:
3.9.0 | OS X INTEL
3.9.0 | Linux 64
3.7.1 | OS X INTEL