Supported Applications
is a software package for phasing genotypes and imputing ungenotyped markers.
To list all executables provided by BEAGLE, run:$ biogrids-list beagle
Usage Notes
BioGrids curated BEAGLE provides the following callable executables:
beagle (replaces 'java -jar beagle.05May22.33a.jar' )
bref (replaces 'java -jar bref3.05May22.33a.jar' )
Use the following command to install this title with the CLI client:$ biogrids-cli install beagle
Available operating systems: Linux 64, OS X INTEL -
Primary Citation*
B. L. Browning, X. Tian, Y. Zhou, and S. R. Browning. 2021. Fast two-stage phasing of large-scale sequence data. American journal of human genetics. 108(10): 1880-1890.
*Full citation information available through
Default Versions
Linux 64:  5.4 (394.9 KB)
OS X INTEL:  5.4 (394.8 KB)