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  • Paste output of 'sbwhich program_name', e.g. 'sbwhich coot'

  • Paste output of 'sbinfo'

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Your details

Grant Support

Letters of Support

In some cases it might be appropriate for BioGrids to provide members and contributing developers with a personalized letter of support for grant submissions. If your application would benefit from a letter of support, please contact us 3-4 weeks prior to your grant submission to discuss the details.

Facilities/Other Resources and Data Sharing Plan

If you are applying for grant support, please include a statement describing BioGrids in the Facilities, Other Resources, and Data Sharing Plan sections of your NIH and NSF applications. We have included sample paragraphs below that you can copy verbatim or modify as necessary:

  • BioGrids Members/Researchers:
  • Facilities/Other Resources: Our laboratory is a member of the BioGrids Consortium - an effort that supports installation of a tested and refined library of biomedical software applications in academic institutions, based on the SBGrid model (www.biogrids.org, eLife 2013;2:e01456). Workstations and laptops in our laboratory are configured with approximately 100 BioGrids-supported software applications, including collections for Genomics, Proteomics, High-Throughput Sequencing, Visualization, and many other technologies. BioGrids also provides our group with access to educational activities, software training webinars, and cyberinfrastructure resources (XSEDE and OSG).

  • Contributing software developers:
  • Our project contributes software to the BioGrids Consortium, who makes our application available to a growing number of academic institution. BioGrids deploys our software updates to member institutions within weeks of their release. Relying on BioGrids for software installation and updates allows us to devote more resources to core development of our application. We also utilize BioGrids Webinars and Monthly Newsletters to update our community of users about new features.

Citing Software:

Researchers should properly cite all software applications that contributed to their project. BioGrids makes available a software citation tool, developed by SBGrid, to easily select and download the citations relevant for all software programs in their collection.
